Blueberry Breakfast

The last few couple of months have been a little nuts. We moved (again) but this time we're hoping to stay in one state for awhile (whoohoo!). Projects and inspired meals have still been happening but just at a slower pace and not always photographed (because really, thinking about getting out the big camera while keeping an eye on a two year old and then taking photos hoping they'll turn out OK, and then thinking about having the time to edit and blog just makes my head spin sometimes!).

I was inspired by summer blueberries for this breakfast and the blue of these gorgeous bowls. No actual recipe because basically you make oatmeal and add toppings. Not too complicated. But it's so pretty!

I love the subtle nuttiness and the texture of Irish steel cut oats. Stove top oatmeal takes a little longer to cook (than the microwave) but it's worth it. Use that time to prepare other items for the meal or clean the kitchen or pick-up toys or watch your oatmeal cook.... If you like your oatmeal a little creamier, add some milk. I made mine with water and then added a little coconut milk to thin it out a little. I also added dried cherries while the oatmeal was cooking so they'd plump up a little and they add a little tanginess. A dash of cinnamon goes in. Stir. When the oatmeal is done (ours takes about 15 minutes, three cups water to one cup oats). Scoop into bowls, top with fresh, washed blueberries and roasted pepitas! Oogle at the beautiful color and dig in! Sweet and salty. Creamy and crunchy. Yum.


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