Crocheted Finger Puppets

Finger puppets. Portable. Imaginative. So many options.

These finger puppets were all made by trial and error so some look a little funny but hey, as long as Little Miss E enjoys them, they're a success!

"Hop hop! Duck! Frog! Yellow! Black. Eyes." 
  • Inspired by Repeat Crafter Me's "5 Little Ducks Finger Puppets" Tutorial.
  • Used different measurements and hook size based on materials on hand.
  • Sewed on eyes and beak instead of hot glue for ducks. Glued on the eyes for the rabbit and frog. I think I prefer the sewn on ones (assuming I don't do a sloppy job of sewing them on) - easier to sew on if it's done at the halfway point of crocheting the puppet versus waiting until the end (easier to tie a knot at the end since the puppet is so narrow, it's hard to turn it inside out to work on the wrong side).
The're so much fun, they sit with Little Miss E during snack time!

Frog. Bunny. Duck. Duck.
And then there were five...

oink oink

No hot glue on this one. Stitched on the eyes with quadrupled black thread and stitched on the felt nose with the same thread.

Old MacDonald had a farm, eeii eeii oooo. And on his farm he had a pig...


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